Monday, August 1, 2022

Work from home, social media jobs

So in  this blog is how I plan to make money. This is such a weird topic for me to talk about because I feel like money is so taboo for those who don't know. By making content and that whole journey was a lot of spreadsheets, financial planning and I wanted to share exactly how I did that and how I still use those strategies today in my business. I'll also go over how I got out of financial problems. I owed the IRS 10000 dollars and 2018. I didn't know how to pay them because I just didn't matter if my money crackling, so I. Brooklyn in the end, it's not fine. I'll talk about how I learned how to pay back loans. How to properly just finance your life as an aspiring entrepreneur. 

I think it's important to understand why you're making money. I know this is pretty obvious. Like I just want to live in a constant house in LA, but I think the reality is a lot of people just want to make money to prove that they're winning to someone and I thought this for a long time and still do sometimes I have a goal to make money and not just buy things. But to buy something to make people think i'm successful to make sure I have allegation of others and I don't know, like I feel like it can be a slippery slope of doing it for yourself and then doing it for others. So I think it's just so important to understand why you just you want to make money. My answer is I love telling stories and working with creative people, so I want to make money so I can live my life in California and pay my team that works in my company. I just love working with creative people. That's why I have a videographer and it's my favorite thing to do. So money is fuel for me to do these things. But before if you ask me last year, I would probably just want. Just be cool with my friends that are millionaires, right? So I think it's just so important to understand that because it will save you so much headache because there's gonna be a time where you don't ever feel successful enough because you're trying to make money for someone else. Alright. 

So now that's out of the way i'm going to go over kind of like the format of this video. First, i'm going to go over the mindset of making money. How to have a confident aspirin to make your bread. The second thing I will go over is how to plan a year of revenue. I'm going to show you guys my exact spreadsheet when I moved out of my parents home. And the third thing is how I plan my day every single day to achieve my one year goal, whatever you have in mind, whether you want to move out of your parents house to get out of your financial debt out of a student loans or buy your dream house. You can use this one year plan to get to where you want to go. But then have these daily tactics to achieve your long term. Let's look at the mindset, the mindset you have to have other than being a  is you have to be optimistic like before you make money, you're not going to have any money like personally for me before I made my first a thousand dollars on youtube and i've never made that before. 

But you have to have the self belief that you can do it before you see the results and it's so hard because people think like, oh. Once I got these numbers that i'll be confident, but you have to serve with confidence in your ability. First, a really good analogy of this is say, you look at the cost of a really famous artist when you look at this artist and they're painting the painting, right, do you think when they're like 50 percent done with their painting like that. They're not a good artist, right, or do you think no. They're just 50 percent of the way there to their final artwork when because so finishes the art, then you see the masterpiece and like, wow, he's so successful, rich but before the artist even picks up a painting brush, he still has value, right, you have to see that as yourself. You are someone that has potential. It's just a matter of time. It's almost kind of like my dad used to call this betting on future. The truth is your broadcast, but the future you believe that you're not gonna be a broadcast. So you have to believe in yourself. First of all, that you're full of potential. You are successful already just a matter of time.

The second mindset I feel like to be make money is you have to understand that money is just exchanging value. Like when you really fundamentally understand that money is just an exchange, an exchange of you know you're having something valuable time. It pays you for that value. You understand that every day when you wake up, you have a choice of how much value you want to bring to the world. Like it's such a weird thing to think about, but like say you're really good at cooking, right. How do you just take your 10 dollar red bull and make it more valuable. Like that's as an entrepreneur when you think about every single day, how do I reach for customers by making more bread balls or how do I make my bread bowl more premium? So people price at a 20 dollars. So I think it's really important to understand that when you frame your reference of how do I increase my value instead of how to make money, you actually now have a better reference. So you focus on your value for people, which is just chasing a dollar amount ways. You. Someone that's a contractor is a reaching more people when you reach more people, you increase your value because more people have isis and attention on you which attention is a scarce resource the second way to increase my value is building deeper connections. So say you don't have a big enough audience on social media, but you have a close connection with your fans. 

That's so valuable. Trust is value. The third thing that you could do to create your value is solve a huge problem. This is really good if you have a service based company and you're solving a problem for someone. So say you're a freelancer and you're solving a problem which is fixing web designs you know as a freelance web designer. You fix that huge problem and you get money because that's valuable. And the fourth thing that I would have to say in terms of this value thing is you can also solve problems that are super niche, maybe they don't have to be a big problem, but only like 5 people in the world have this problem and you have to cure for this god is how a value this is a good example in the medical field, especially for certain health conditions. Like if you know a lot about a certain subject, people pay premium for it. So I hope that gives you an idea of how you can create your value with these kind of four ideas personally for me because i'm a contractor and I own a media agency. Reach more people. But I also solve big problems that companies have with advertising. So those are the things I really focus on, but for you it can differ and these are just things to keep in mind and literally, if you just focus on those things, you will make more money. Alright, so let's go over my. You know, my biggest tip for anyone that starting out is trying to lower your expense.

Like you really don't need that team tent content house your first year of moving out and I know this is pretty obvious and for some people. But on social media, you feel like you need the most glamorous set. You need the most high production stuff, but you really don't look on Facebook marketplace for college rooms or dorms or housemates. That's personally where I found my living accommodation way better than airbnb because it's a lot cheaper. So the first thing we are saying is what is your monthly income, so i'm gonna write this down. So my rent right now is actually 1100 cause I moved to a new city and I shared this house with three girls, my food expense because I have medical issues and I submit it's a bit more expensive. But I spend 500 dollars. I'm going to put my insurance gas and everything. I come back when I have that number. So my total minimum monthly salary is 3500 dollars a month. That's on the minimum. I love to multiply this number by .3, which is how much you want to make per month. So you can actually have a savings. It's super important. For me, minimalistically. But have a savings at the end of the day because she happens when you're running a business. So if I were to do this myself, my minimum yearly plan needs to be 4600 a month that might not be a lot of money to you guys or you expect me to spend more. I just personally like living with housemates and I just personally enjoy investing more money to my company just as a favorite. 

This doesn't include like my trips or my team costs. That's a whole company expense. This is more than for my personal salary to something to keep in mind. So now that you know how much money you need, let's create a one year plan to achieve this goal. So look up your favorite city and look up a cool apartment you want to live in on Facebook marketplace to see how much it costs to come below with the numbers for you. I'm just curious what that looks like and if you're saving up or something else. Let me know that is for you too, once that I have my money in mind, i'm going to lay out on the top column the whole year of 2021 and what i'm going to do is pretend i'm starting from 0 and try to get to 4600 a month by the end of this year you guys don't even know. Sat me down with an excel spreadsheet similar to this and he told me that everything has to have a plan. You need to have a plan. You don't need to know where exactly you're going in a year, but you need to have a direction. It doesn't matter where you're going. You just have to commit and my dad gave me such amazing advice and I still use this same technique every single day because before I just didn't have a plan, I just didn't you know, I just complained a lot that I didn't know how to make money, but when you sit down. 

Especially for 15 minutes, it just changes your life and it puts the control back in your hands and I just really empower you guys do this with me because i've been crying spreadsheets and I never thought I could make this money. I never thought I could make let alone. You know, 4600 a month. Let alone the whole company and travel the world and work with huge companies. I literally didn't think I could do any of that, but when you have a plan, when you break it down, you start to piece together what you need to do today and you start to break down your big goal to smaller chunks and make it more achievable. Which is what i'm gonna do right now. So what you wanna do is see your goals 4600 a month. You wanna go to the other numbers that are before forty-six. 3000 July maybe 2000 in may and maybe 1000 in my first month. So you start to really chunk down your goals. So I just made this exercise for the whole year, but you know sometimes your goal takes a few more years. Sometimes it takes three years. It really depends on your ambition and how much time you have. Okay, so now that I created this plan of how much I plan to make every single month to get to 4600, i'm gonna create something called a worst case scenario. I'm gonna duplicate the sheet but add numbers that are maybe less ambitious than the ones that was before it is so important to have a worst case scenario sheet because sometimes things don't go your plan and I always have this. I have to spread to my best case scenario, my worst case and I never used to do this because I used to just quit one stretchy and I would get so mad at myself.

I think it's so important to have two shades because then you can at least gauge what's the worst best case and at least you're mentally prepared for it. So for this worst case scenario, i'm just going to divide all the numbers in half just in case I don't hit these numbers. I was watching a Ted talk from Brunei brown and she says, history is just a study of surprises and that's exactly what life is in. Our job as creators and entrepreneurs is literally just to handle things that we don't even know that's coming our way. So the only way to prepare for it is just to create a worst case scenario sheet.  Make sure you come up with all your thoughts. It really means the world to me and I really appreciate it. So like I said in the beginning. You want to just increase your value every single month that's literally at the end of the day how you make money. So you might be able to enjoy how do you make money, increase your value if I have 0 dollars. So I have a few videos on how to make money online. I will link down below. You guys can check it out. I'll just personally list how I make money and then hopefully will get you guys some inspiration. So on the left hand column, i'm going to write down all my revenue streams. 

I don't know 7 to 8 revenue streams have this personal branding related. So basically me as a contractor, the other half is my company x 8 media. So it's my brand agency. So just like listed below, if you guys are curious for my content side, I make money through consulting, so I will consult some startups on their social media growth. I can also consult some craters on how to grow their brand. I also make revenue and my company through influence or campaign management. This is probably a majority of our revenue in last year. I make most of my money actually through working with companies and allocating budgets to their influencer campaigns. The last thing I make money is a little bit investment. I don't do too much of it, but i'm really getting into building out my investment portfolio. So these are my current ways. I make money and I wanted to showcase how you can map out for your brand, the same strategy, my best advice if you're starting out to be crater is start with. Sense because once you have revenue through Google paying you, then you can turn on all these other revenue streams. I got 200 dollars so we can kind of add that there. I did a lot of consulting in my first year of growing up social media so we can add that for 300. So that will equal to a 500 dollar goal. And basically you want to keep doing this for your entire year and then over time you can see your best and worst case so you can plan accordingly. My best tip you guys when you're creating your financial road map is like I said, you want to increase your value. I have some revenue streams because i've been doing this for like ten years at this point, but when you're starting, I always recommend to focus on the 1 first one of my mentor told me you can do everything just not at once and that's what I truly believe in. 

So something to keep in mind is try to focus on one or two and then add on each month so you can really get hyper-focused and increase your chances of success. Now how do I plan my goal day to day? So once I have this goal, let's just zoom in on March, say I want to make 200 dollars through assets and 300 dollars through consulting. Literally did it. I remembered when I was first starting. I knew that each thousand views youtube paid me 5 dollars. So what you can do is you can figure out how to achieve those numbers by maybe if you want to do 40000 videos, you have to post twice a week and you can really plan out your month based on your goal. So I did that for my first month, then I also did consulting so say I charge people 50 dollars per call. That means that in a month I need to call 6 people to get 300 dollars, which means in a week I got to do twice a week calls. So then my idea was for every youtube video I made. I got one client that I consulted for instagram marketing because that's what I did back in 2017 and I literally kept doing this. I kept doubling my raise. I kept increasing my content, increasing my frequency, getting mentors around me and then over time I actually did my goal.  

Like i'm trying to sell you on some chat, but it really comes down to having your best and worst case scenario because you might not always hit those really great months, but then you're mentally prepared for it. So I really, really believe that when you're planning your month goal, you wanna quantify the time hours. So when you look at your week, you only have to think about not making you know 600 dollars. Posting twice a week, getting two coaching calls a month, you can apply this to anything if you're selling a sock and you have to sell twenty socks to get you know 100 dollars, you can just focus on selling 20 socks, not the money. Do you see why I really emphasize on making value, not money, because then you only focus on the act of doing it versus the outcome so that you know how I plan my year, how I plan my month. Let's go over how I plan my day. I look at my goal, which if my goal is 500 dollars a month. I would most likely do two videos a week into coaching calls a 50 dollars. So for my daily goal, I ask myself, what are three things I can do today to achieve my 1 week ago, all I do is just focus on those three things so you can see I take my big goal. Make it to smaller monthly goal to make it into a daily goal. Honestly, this whole strategy should be called Russian lesson goals strategy because you basically take the bigger doll and make smaller dolls and then you get to your daily doll every single day I wake up and I think my day doesn't matter, I feel like I have this big goal and I can never achieve that when you do daily goals successfully over the course of a year. Your chances of success are so much more likely. A week and then burning out and it's just. About these small goals that are so important and every single day really does matter. So now that you know how I plan my financial goals. I just want to give you guys a quick update on where i'm at. So weirdly enough, i've been doing this for three years and My monthly salary went from 3300 to around 4600 a month and I reinvested all my external profits into my company, hiring more people. Editors and team members and investing into my portfolio. And right now, bitcoin and block like a theorem honestly not much has changed. I try to maintain more minimal lifestyle. Like I used to want to buy a house because I thought that was a smart thing, but I realized I rather invest my money into my company versus some down payment for a land. So understand, I know the personal finance on youtube world can get really tricky. You have to understand what you want, what type of life you want. That's why I kept asking you, what do you want to do with this money at the very beginning of the video? Because if you want to become a real estate tycoon, then do it. But if you just want to travel and live your life. You don't have to do all these things. You don't have to invest real so you don't have to invest in bitcoin. You can message. 

And the day that's the most important thing because yourself is the most valuable thing. It's the most valuable vehicle to your business to your identity. So understand that you don't have to invest in GMC if you don't want to okay, maybe i'm just trying to justify the fact that I didn't invest in the stock market this year. The next step I have to is somebody added this year is a board of advisers, you know typically in a startup, a board of advisers are people that have equity in your company that give you advice quarterly. I think as a freelancer and individual. You should have your own board of advisors or mentors. I try to schedule meetings quarterly or monthly with people I look up to. I last one had a meeting with the director of marketing and Shopify to give me some advice on my incubator program at my company that works with early stage traders and investors. I asked saja. Who is the founder of a really successful marketing agency that works with 6 to 7 figure clients how to mentor me and she meets with me monthly and I seek advice for my dad. You know my dad gives me advice on blockchain and I think it's so important to literally schedule monthly meetings of someone you trust. I can look at your one year sheet and be like, okay, this is what I would do and it's just so helpful. Because when I didn't have 1, I was just shooting in the dark. If you don't have a membership board, I can give advice. I really recommend two things. You can download a clubhouse, which is an app that you can be other like my decorative you can also join my email list where I try my best to match, make and help you guys meet more creative. So you guys check out my newsletter below if you want to meet other craters and get to know the community more and get a board of advisor for yourself, I really believe that this is such a huge thing I implemented in my business in the past year and it changed the game. I was able to work with way bigger companies connect with people deeper and just do what I love just working with creative people. 

The last tip I have is please please do yourself a favor and don't just set professional goals all the time, set your three professional goals daily, right? Like I said. But also set your three personal goals when you're out of different caliber when you're working so hard, your body just needs more self care. You guys know that I keep complaining on my channel that I can't poop and it's because I don't take care of myself and in the past month I made a commitment to increase my salary if needed to take care. Constipation, which basically means I can't poop and I decided to increase my you know travel expenses, my massages. My therapist expenses and added an external budget to it so I can actually operate in my business better. I used to feel so guilty going to doctors. I don't know why, but I realize you are the most important asset in your business. You are the most important valuable person to have to treat yourself that way, even if you don't have money, I click a rich because treating yourself can only give you R O Y if you have an issue with love yourself like I do my biggest tip is just to make three goals every single day for your personal self and start with that. You don't have to go buy a trip to why you could just start with like i'm gonna eat really good food. I'm gonna go to walk and spend time with myself and that right. 

If you want to do work from home and earn good money, than please click on below link. It will help you.

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