Hello. This is a blog about the basic content you'll need for a simple website when you first first get a website. Saw on this page, we've got the logo in the top left corner with it. Let your lord go your business name. A tag line underneath it. And so the first thing first thing people do, usually when they go to website. They look at the top left corner just to get an idea of am I in the right place.
Does this business do what I need doing. Underneath that, you want to summarize the service you offer are the products you sell. What is it that you do make it clear who your typical customer is and what areas you cover if you only serve people in Bradford, our leads are utterly. Yorkshire, whatever it is, make it up. Who your typical customer is and whereabouts there so they can think, aha, I need a plumber in Bradford and this is what this guy does, Sir. What comes next underneath, you could put some photos of em. If you sell products, you could put pictures of your products if you've got a team of service engineers or if you do coaching whatever you do. You could put some pictures of the people who would actually deal with the customers so you could put. This is clad and she does. Life coaching or social media coaching, whatever. So people think immediately they can look at anything and say. Ah so this this is the person that would come and actually deal with my business. Testimonials testimonials are always useful and you could book a couple of testimonials on your home page just so that people get some idea that. Other people have dealt with your business and they were happy with the results they got. So if you offered a menu pricing structure, not everybody does, but if you do. You could put on your home page, you're from page just a basic. Idea of,
What package deals you offer and how much the cost and what you get for your money so that people can tell straight away this looked like it might be why i'm looking for obviously, if you don't sell anything less than 5000 pounds and they're looking for a 500 pound service or a 100 pounds service. The concealed straight aware. The care for the art that is too cheap for what they're looking for, whatever. And then make sure they know what to do next. Tell them if you want them to contact, you, say contact us and make sure that this they know they can you know tell them how to contact you. You might tell them to join your email list or download your free brochure, whatever it is, but wherever you want them to do next to tell them what to do. So. This is what we're looking at. This is what we trying to do. You need to convince your customers that you'll solve their problem easily with the minimum fuss and applies they can afford. But there's a lot of questions going through your customers' minds. Things like is this website useful to me because they've come from Google when the first land on your website, there's no idea who you are, what you do or anything or even whatever you're in. You could be in Zanzibar or Honolulu. It's that's the way the internet works. So once you decided that ye they're in the right place. You are a plumber in lead or whatever.
The thinking, can they do the job. Are you trustworthy, reliable. If they give you the money. Will you produce the goods. The ones in our deal work with people like me. Do you want to do industrial roofing or dear dew. You'd work for hormone as and landlords or whatever and do they like the people behind the business your website wants to make you look like a person will be easy to work with and and pleasant to work with. You want you want your customer to think i'd like working with this person. So some more things you need to explain who would you work with. What is it like to work with you, what happens when when they fall in your bar, whatever, just given the brief guide here when you when you contact us, we'll go through this Procedure. You know will start with this and then move on to that whatever whatever your normal workflow is, tell them. So they know what to expect. What service our products do you offer. You need to tell them what what you are selling. Case to these testimonials before and after photos are useful. You need an about us page and a contact us page. You ought to contact us, but at least some contact those details. You don't have to have to have a contact us page. But you need to contact details there there. So unique selling point. A unique selling point is something that you offer that your competitors don't. So if there's anything that you can do that other people don't do make sure that your customers know that.
And it's got to be important to your customers. The notebook I mean a unique selling point that nobody cares about. It's got to be something that you. And it's got to be difficult for your competitors to compete with our 2 to sort of copy. So if there's anything that you can do that other people don't do or won't do whatever, make sure your customers know. I do listen, you'll find out to find somebody else that does it. And it's got to be easy and quick to explain it. You don't want a unique selling point that takes you half an hour to explain what it is because your customers will stick around to find out. Some famous ones are the fedex shipping and then when it absolutely positively has to be there overnight. So it's not just shipping, it's guaranteed overnight shipping. There's a film called finger and it helps college students find jobs to help everybody else college students. So that's their unique selling point that they just help college students find jobs. Head and shoulders shampoo. That that's all the unique selling point is you get rid of dandruff. So I don't have to give you a guarantee. So in a nutshell, what you're looking for. Be concise and dorm waffle get to the point quick because the customers don't have all day and i'll just go somewhere else if it takes too long. He was headlines and sober sober headlines to make it easier for your customers to find a bit of information they need.
Just have one big idea per paragraph. You don't want to put too much information all in one chunk you want to write right in bite size chunks so that it's easy for them to understand what's going off if there's too much in a single paragraph, get confused. And your visitors you cite visitors want their information quickly and easy as easily as possible. So you don't you don't want that. There's a famous book called don't make me think and it's good and it's good advice. Don't make your customers think. Because the the more thinking they have to do, the less likely is that they're going to become customers. They'll just go elsewhere. Well, thanks for reading. I do hope I do hope you found that useful.
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