Today we will discusse the various concepts of language learning and language acquisition. Today we are going to deal with a method of language learning. We already know that language learning requires a particular environment that is classroom and there are various methods that we can use for teaching of a targeted language or teaching of English.
Here we are focusing on teaching of English. So. What are the various methods of pedagogy and. And how these pedagogy or methods evolve. Over the period of time, methods keep on changing as per the need of the society and and the knowledge of how learners learn and how it should be taught. So, if you look at it like previous years it was always considered that one language interferes in learning of other language. But over the period of time, due to researchers and neurology. We got to know that multilinguality actually enhances brain function or cognitive learning. So now we use multilinguality as a classroom resource for language teaching right now when we are dealing with methods of language learning, there are basically three approaches that we follow. 1 is. Grammar translation method. Otherwise communicative.
A third structural approach.
As we move forward, we'll we'll be focusing more on communicative approach today and we later on deal with structure and grammar translation methods when we look at communicative approach, the name of the approach itself says that it has something to deal with communication or the way we interact with each other when we talk about communication. There are at least two people involved in the process. 1 would be the listener and the other would be the message sender or the person who is speaking. So otherwise the communicative loop would never be one would be. Somebody who sends the message or says it out and other would be the receiver. So the sender sends the message to the receiver receiver comprehensive. And then response.
So this is the whole cycle of communication. So we need at least two person for communication when we're talking about communicative approach. So we need to understand why, we actually came up with this approach of communication. So it was major leader, educationist and linguist felt that the grammar, traditional method or grammar translation method was not equipping students for real life communications. They were not able to actually interact in real situations for examples and job interviews or while they have to do a survey, they were not.
They were not able to gather or exert themselves in a proper manner. That's why they came up with an approach called communicative approach. If you look at each one of us has been given a faculty to produce language, but we still produce various kinds of language. So we speak different languages. There are people who speak Chinese. There are people who speaks Latino. There are people who speak Swedish, Sinhalese. Sarah or punjabi Haryanvi bourgeois methylene. These are different languages, but the faculty that we are using for producing these sounds or these languages is the same. Basically we are using our, mount we are using our lips and at times our nose. So the biologically all our features are the same. But if you look at it social linguistically, the language we speak differs. So now we need to understand why there is a difference between the language we speak. As we've already know that we learned the language from our environment. So the language we speak is determined by our environment, people who what the kind of language that people around us are talking.
The exposure to the language that we get or even in the classroom situation, what are the languages that we're exposed to determine the social, linguistic, reputable of ourselves or our language box. Then. After that, we need to learn about. How can we use this communicative approach in classes. If we talk about the classroom, we have multiple number of students. So for communication, the first thing that comes to our mind is that we need at least two students in one group or to work in peace. Here like the owners of learning is transferred from teacher to the student. So the first and major portion of communicative approach is that it is a child centre approach. Now we need to understand what is a child centered approach. Child centered approach is an approach where the owners of learning depends on the child here the child is an active participant in the classroom. He's not just a passive or she's not just a passive recipient here. Like it is a child who is interacting. So the major interaction or the major talking time is taken by the student and not the teacher.
So that is why we call communicative approach as child centered approach. If you look at other ways or other methods, for example. Using of audio lingual or order or method somewhere, there is a lot of repetition or a drill. So in that case, students are repeating what has been told to them. It's not something that is coming from them, so they are not using their natural faculty for language, so they're not coming up with their own language. So to say. So if you look at the basic principles of communicative approach. So the first principle is the role of what is the role of teacher. The role of teacher is reduced to a facilitator, a mere facilitator who gives the real life situation to the students and let them assert let them communicate what would happen with this. Here the children will learn on their own. They'll understand the process of communication. They'll understand the communication loop. They'll be more, they'll, they'll enhance the perspective taking ability. Because in this situation, you actually need to know what other person is trying to say and then you respond so you have to be a listener first. Second thing is lessons are usually theme based. What do you understand by the world. Pain, waste. So when we talk about theme based lessons, the first thing that we need to understand what is a theme. For example, we take themselves.
So what were the various concepts which would relate to water. We'll start from composition. Properties of water. Then from what the states of water.
Then might be water pollution.
Sources of water.
One basic thing uses a water.
Then we can deal with politics of water.
Then we can deal with dams.
Aunt. Hydroelectricity. Then we can deal with religious sentiments related to water.
So on and so forth, we can actually deal with various concepts that can come under one theme here. We have taken the theme as water and then we have seen that. What are the various things that we can cover in one single theme that can be water, now all these topics are needn't be covered in a single class. But it can be taken across classrooms.
So when we talk about communicative approach, the lessons are more theme based. So teacher can actually look at the various concepts that you want to deal with it in a particular stage or age. See, for example. Now if you want to use communicative approach, so if you have to deal with the concept of maybe politics of water, so what is politics of water politics of water basically deal with like what are the various sources of water. How, in our country water is being used, it's a natural resource but how it is being used by political parties or a community to overpower the use of water itself, somewhere determines that help, ah. How a particular state or a particular community gains that strength, like for example, politics of water and also includes like making of dams, how it actually disturbs the life of the people who are living by that source. Whether whose source is it, what are the benefits of making a dam in a particular region, what do we mean by why do we started with a teacher creates a situation that one of them is a group of students who are actually supportive of dams and they consider it as a consider it as a pillar of development. There could be other other group of students who are the other group of students who are activist and do not support dams because somewhere they see that how it actually spoils the life of people who are living by water. Then there would be a group of students who are tribal who have been affected by making of tams.
So teacher can create an authentic situation for learning where there could be an interaction between all three groups and they can understand the nuances of this process of politics of water. Third thing when we talk about it. Lessons are built around real life situation. So when we talk about real life situations, for example, my, you have been overbuilt so your mobile bills are some electricity value thing that you have been overbuilt. So you call the customer care and talk. Talk about being overbuilt, have an interaction or probably it could be you have to write in or you have to apologize to somebody for a mistake that you have done. So these are more real life situations that we are dealing with. That is where communicative approach comes into picture. For this basically using a lot of game songs material which is more authentic, what is an authentic material. Something that we get in real life, for example, newspapers magazine bulletins notices. These are the kind of material that we need to bring in the classroom as these are the materials that we encounter in real life. Then. One of the major thing about a communicative approach is meant to give the feedback. So the teacher actually doesn't give a feedback man when students are in the process of learning on the process of communicating. So the feedback is given post the class. So it's not on the spot query because otherwise the flow of communication would be broken. Others. If you look at the various factors that we have discussed till now, that is like teacher, the role of the teacher is of that of a facilitator. Second, the lessons are more theme based. Students tend to use more. The teacher teacher student tend to use more real life situations. Authentic material is being used in classrooms. Feedback is given post the communicative exercise. So we can see that the whole premise of this approach is based on trial and error. You learn as you. And if you want to bring this approaching classroom, how can we do that first is true. Role play. So what is a role play role play is like when you have been given a certain situation and there are certain characters that are interacting and there is a particular theme that we are talking about or a particular situation we are talking about. So then the students talk to these roles and then interact so first and the foremost way of dealing with communicative approach or a practice that can be done in classroom is road play, then we can create more interview.
So while we are having this activity of more interviews, what is it that we are learning students are actually learning how to formulate a question.
How to coordinate respond to a question. What is the right time to respond, how to put your thoughts in a comprehensible manner, so these are the skills that they are learning while they are role playing or doing a more interview, then we can do a lot of. Learning by teaching. What is going by teaching is just that the hair we are trying to actually topple down the Iraqi in the classroom where the students takes a place of the teacher comes to the board and deed with a particular concept. So what the child is doing is presenting his or her ideas about a particular concept in a coherent whole and interacting with the whole class. So basically the child is learning to interact, with a group of people. It's a more of a medium of mass communication where you're not just you're going to a bigger loop, not just one. There are like there's one sender and there are multiple receivers then went to give attention to whom how to respond to multiple questions.
Went to, how to give. How to give an answer which can satisfy multiple people and if not, then how to deal with a particular situation, then other thing that we can do is to have surveys. Where the children will go out of the classroom situation, interact with people. Interact with people for a particular question. For example, if there's a situation that I want to open a restaurant, but I don't know what kind of a restaurant I should open just so that it's profitable. So i, i can actually do a survey within the. Within the school and go to different people of different age group, different, different gender or you can say people belonging to different class also and, get to know about what is it that they like. What is the kind of cuisine that they prefer, what is the cost that they are ready to pay for a evening or for dinner or for lunch? So that is a kind of a survey that I can run and then come up with the solution. That what is the kind of a restaurant that I want to open. So here another that what we are doing is interacting in real life situation in a real life example in dealing with real people. So it's not something it's not like we can do with simulated situations also.
But here the situation is real life. Another thing about the communicative approaches that we can fill in the information gaps, for example, that we have read something and we are we are unable to. It's a disjointed whole of information. So there are certain gap so we can actually go ask other people about it. Read through a certain newspaper articles, then ask about a whole discussion in a public forum. So all these methods are a part of communicative approach. So what we are doing with communicative approach, we are giving them real life situations to deal with. Now one thing that is majorly a demerit of communicative approach is that we focus more influency. So it's not about being accurate or correct somewhere. Correctness of the assertion is being compromised. But another thing is sometimes what we are saying, it might not be coherent, so we are not actually focusing on coherency. It can come on a later stage when we are comfortable with the language, but somewhere in using communicative approach, we have to kind of a bring in another approach to look at the correctness of the assertions also. So students today we have actually dealt with communicative approach. What are the various features of communicative approach role of teacher role of text, the kind of text that should be used while we are doing while we are dealing with the English teaching through communicative approach and its team merits. Thank you.
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