Yo, what's up. My fellow creatives. It's Alex here back for another blog. In today's blog about the 7 website design secrets and how I wanna showcase 7 websites that we've built that i'm really proud of. They're all in different categories. And if you hang with me till the end of this blog, i'm gonna share 7 mistakes as well that I see a lot of people make when it comes to their website. So the first thing I want to start with is just telling you we build stunning websites and I want to show off some of my favorite websites and what it would take for you to have a site like this or to sell one to your clients. So secret,
Number one is the look and feel one of the things that we do that really helps us when it comes to website design is clone. What we already know is working. This is something that Russell Brunson teaches a lot of people out there that are high level in the industry, talk about cloning what works. This isn't copying. This is cloning, so you clone something and then you make it your own. This is something that we do a lot. This is something that's really important and why we're able to create such a high high caliber website that actually. Converts and generates revenue because we're using something that already works a proven website that we're basing our website off of or multiple websites that we're basing the website off of that. We're going to build the second secret that I see a lot of people miss is not making it sexy and they overcomplicate it, make it sexy, but also make it simple. A website should not be complicated. It should not be cluttered. You don't want to overdo it with information and just vomit all over the web page. This is a really big deal. Keep it simple and keep it sexy.
Number 3 is to never i'm gonna say never, ever, ever skimp on the photography. I see people do this so much and I just don't understand why they're going to stock websites and downloading generic photos. This just puts you in the same box and makes you blend in with everybody else and you don't want to blend in with everybody else. So make sure you take the extra step and hire a photographer, find a photographer. Or find a website that has stock photography. That doesn't look like stock photography.
Number 4, as I see so many people building websites that loads so slow because they filled with chat plugins and features and sliders and images and videos on their homepage that is going to cost you a lot of money if your website takes more than 2 to 3 seconds to load, you are going to lose up to 80 percent of your traffic that you worked so hard to get. So make sure that your website loads quickly the fifth website design secret that we use is writing captivating copy. Now what does that even mean. Captivating copy is something that wants to be original that wants to stand out that has a tonality that has a brand that has a voice. You look at companies like lions, not cheap and some of the other ones out there, they're very distinct and they're very unique in the way that they speak to their customers. They speak to their audience. They're not just sounding like everybody else with lame jargon. I can't even tell you how many people i've had come to me and say. Can you just take the copy from that website and use it on mine? I said the copy on that website. You really wanted to take that will take that and make it better. No, we need to find your own authentic, unique voice that's gonna make you stand out and building emotional connection to the person that's visiting that website. Alright. So,
Number 6, the six secret is do your on page SEO correctly. Please listen to me on this. This is a huge mistake that so many people are making and this is killing your traffic. It's killing it. So on page SEO includes the title of your website not being over 70 characters includes the h ones. The H twos, the way your contents written, like I said. With the captivating copy, there's a lot that goes into your on page SEO linking from your home page to other pages having your site map, there's all kinds of on page stuff that you really need to incorporate and make sure you don't cut corners on this and this is where I see almost all the people that come to me. This is where it's been poorly done and this is why they're not seeing the results from their website because they're on page SEO doesn't even allow them to rank for the keywords that are even being searched for their. So this is something I really want you to take to heart, do not shortcut this. This is one of the most important pieces of your website because people can't find it. There's who cares if you have three people a month visiting your website. So this is something I really want to leave you guys with and then
Number 7, the seventh secret for website design and good website designer. Even great website design is the user experience. User experience is so essential. I have spent thousands of hours developing on how a good website should look and what the experience is going to be. That's best for your customer. That is the key here. It's not about you and what you like. It's about what your customer like. So running heat mapping tools scroll maps, click maps, all these different things. There's crazy eggs. There's a bunch of different software out there that you can use to be able to see how people are interacting with your website is going to be really. Really important. So i'm curious, have you tried to build a website yourself and you're just not getting the results or a stunning website that you really want visually or practically, maybe it's just not performing. You're not getting leads, but you have a website. It's just not doing what you want. About building your website for you or even for your clients. We can do a white label, so your client just thinks it's you, which is really important because you want to represent yourself and your brand in your agency and not mine and I get that. So this is something I want you to take the heart if you need help with that reach out to me, there's a link in the description and I look forward to talking with you. Alright. So the second part of this, as I promised, is the top 7 websites that we've built and what category they're in the first website.
And this is one i'm very, very, fond of. I will use that word because i've literally recreated this brand from nothing and that's a company called next gen septics that's any X G E N septics dot com with this website is actually multifaceted. So there's a whole website side to this that is a directory. So you can actually view a directory, put inquiries in if you need a pumping if you need septic service, if you need installation, if you need repairs, if you need parts, I have this whole directory that we've built out with. I mean over 100 different contractors that were trying to build. Actively the second part part to this is the e commerce catalog of all the different products that next gen septics carries that the customers can buy. Now they can't buy it directly through the website for a bunch of different reasons. But this is important piece and then the third piece of this website, which makes it really unique is the lead gen aspect. We're generating a lot of leads to this website, a lot of traffic, millions of dollars of revenue.
Alright website. Number 2, I wanted to show off to you guys as M R E S C dot org. Now this is a different site. This is actually a different category completely and it's in the education space. We used to learn dash. We had a bunch of content that we put in there. We built a really beautiful site for an education company based in the midwest. If you need a website that's an education website, we're really good at those. We're doing more and more of those as time goes on. But I really love this website because it's clean. It's so. It's simple and it's easy to navigate and with the lms learning management system, it's really a website that's very functional and it's a very important asset to this business. Alright now website number 3, this is a cool one. Now this is a project that I literally created almost from scratch. So the guy came to me and he said, hey, we have a CBD product that helps women with their period, but we have no idea what we're going to call it. We have no idea for the name. We need your help. So I came up with the name. I developed the brand, developed the website and this website and this brand. I'm really excited about this is something we help them literally come up with from 0 and that's called grace period. The website is grace period dot net and it is A E commerce website so you can go there right now. Click on the website grace period dot net and actually buy one of those products for your wife, for your girlfriend, for your significant other, for your mom, for your sister. Whoever and this is a really good product, but it also comes with a really beautiful website.
The logo is brilliant. The colors of it is brilliant the way the site is. Navigated the amount of information that we put on there. It's authoritative. It's got a unique message, so I really am proud of this website. This is one of our best e commerce websites that we've done so far. That's why I wanted to tell you about grace period and just kind of show that one off. Alright website number 4 is go elevated comfort dot com. Now this is strictly a lead gen website. Now there is some information on this website, but the goal and the focus of this website is to generate leads and we generate a ton of leads. Whether it be from Google maps, Google. Local google s.e.o. advertisements that we're running on facebook and google. We're getting a lot of traffic, this website and the whole focus and primary objective is to actually get leads. That is our main priority. Alright. Now our next website is really neat because it has a lot of social impact element to it. A lot of these do, but this one primarily has to do with safety. This is a safety website with a little bit of a mix of educational, but it's we tip dot com. Now we tip dot com is a safety site. That has a lot of different features of filing anonymous reports. The design is just absolutely stunning and beautiful. The way that the hero shot is all the different elements of that. It's a really gorgeous website. I'm super proud of my team and what they were able to accomplish with this. We've got landing pages and pop up video and so many great things, but the content is compelling. The look and feel is is nice. The user experience, the navigation, the navigation on all these websites is simple. We're going to talk a little bit more about that here in just a minute.
But I really wanted to show off. We tipped com and just show you the high caliber website that we were able to build for a national brand that does a lot of good saving school shootings, suicides really really horrible things for anonymous reporting that had been able to be stopped because of this company. We tip dot com, so i'm really proud of this one. This is what I wanted to show off and just show you the brilliance and beauty of a simple safety web. All right, legacy builders wealth is number 6, that's legacy builders wealth dot com. This is strictly an informational website. It's got a trailer to a movie that they're a part of. It's got a lot of really good content, beautiful photography. I mean the photography of this website is just absolutely gorgeous. This is a really nice website that i'm super proud of because just the colors. The look and feel the user experience, as you can see on this page, it was masterfully designed. This is probably one of my favorite websites I think we've ever done period just because of the layout in the U X of this in the UI, the navigation is simple. Everything about this website is just a masterpiece and i'm really proud of this one. We've actually got a lot of leads from other people that have seen this website. And so if you want a website for your financial planning business or if you have a website that you think would look good with this similar style, maybe with your own spend your own content, your own colors and your own branding, I would love to do that because this is a website that has performed extremely well. It lays out all the information and really tells a compelling story. Which is part of that captivating content and number 7 on the list of my favorite websites is a new one that we just launched and that's anchor R E dot co anchor R D dot co is a real estate website. So we incorporated an idea so people can search listings, look at different houses, look at featured properties and we're incorporating blogs into that website because of all the blogs that we're making for these guys.
This is a brand that we completely rebranded before it used to be called molar piercer group. Now it's anchor real estate group and it is an amazing brand. We were able to really convey their messaging, their strategies. We have really good copy our copywriter Shelly shout out to Shelly did an amazing job and she's done an amazing job on all these websites, but writing really good copy makes a big difference and then some of those extra little bells and whistles like the map on that website where you can click on the different areas that they service. That was another nice touch that we got as an inspiration from another site that we know was performing really, really well. So that leads me to my first. What site did you like the most. I gave you 7 websites and i'm curious which one which one was your favorite for me personally, I think we tip dot com is personally my favorite out of all of them just cause it's so clean and simple and easy to navigate and we've put so much time and effort into that one. Alright, now the last piece of this is the seven common mistakes that we see our competitors make. So i'm gonna go through these pretty quick if you have a notebook or something to write this down. I would definitely do it and I kind of talked about some of these lightly. But I want to make sure that you understand that these are not just secrets. But there are also common mistakes and that's the poor on page SEO long titles. Long descriptions, no image tags, not doing the right things, not putting exit data in your images. There's a lot of mistakes there and so doing bad on page SEO is a mistake that will cost you your clients and just everybody in general a lot of money. I just don't want to see you make that same mistake. Alright, the second mistake is slow load speeds. I talked about this before, but if your site is loading slow. That is a major problem. You're gonna lose a majority of your traffic. Make sure you use cloudflare ah make sure you use really good hosting. I'm not a big fan of go daddy hosting. There's a lot of better resources out there. We offer some really, really fast hosting.
I just want to make sure that you prioritize and don't just fill your site with a bunch of plugins and a bunch of apps and a bunch of things that are going to slow it down, make sure your website loads quickly and you can do that by using Google's page speed insights. It'll help you understand what's going on and you can also use a website called GT metrics to see exactly where your site is being slowed down at all. Right, the third mistake is clutter design. I see people just vomit all over the website. They just put a crap ton of information on there that doesn't matter, the customer doesn't care about just to try to get as much content for the SEO and then they don't even optimize it the right way. So don't clutter it up, keep it simple. Think about the end user. Don't just think about the search engines. But think about the end user and the person that's sitting on the other side of that computer or phone. Let's looking to try to solve a problem, go into it with the problem in mind, so don't have a cluttered website. This is a really big deal that you need to focus on and make sure it's clean and simple. Alright, the fourth mistake I see people make. I didn't talk about this at all. But I want to talk about it now is too many calls. Oh, man, I went to a website the other day that literally had. Phone number two phone numbers of the top 2 social media links or 3 social media links about 25 navigation menu items had a A click button in their in their slider, multiple click buttons. I mean, there was just stuff everywhere if you give people too many choices, they won't make one. The fifth mistake is your website copy is weak whether it's your portfolio website, whether it's your client's portfolio website, you have generic copy. Maybe it was put in a content spinner. It's just not original.
There's a lot of ways you can avoid that there's a lot of checkers and copyright checks. There's one called advanced marketing institute and they have a headline checker that you can run it through, which is really neat. I would Google that. But this is something you need to make sure that the headlines of your different paragraphs on your website are strong that they have a good score and that your copy on the website is not weak. It's not generic and it's not unoriginal. Make sure your content is original that it's unique and it has a tone of voice that it speaks true to who you are cause you are the brand making it generic and trying to make yourself big sound bigger than you are is not a good strategy. It's gonna bite you in the tail. At the end. All right, number 6 is there's no irresistible offer. Why is there no irresistible offer? Why are people not doing this, people are just putting out here, call us free consultation. Those are not irresistible offers come up with something like a lead magnet that actually gives them value, whether it's a download ebook. A trial, something is irresistible where maybe you even sell something. But you're selling it for so cheap. All you're doing is covering the acquisition cost to have gotten that person to your website. So this is something I want to make sure that you understand that's also really important. And number 7, the 7th mistake I see is the generic stock photos. Oh my gosh, don't even get me started. I talked about this before. People do such a terrible job with their stock photos, spend the money on a photographer. You should be incorporating that into your price and if you're not, you're short changing yourself. You're short changing your customer and or your client and you're not really giving the opportunity to spread work to other people. So this is a big deal that I want you to take into consideration as well. And those are the mistakes. Now, if you need help, if you want to have a site like any of the ones that I showed you, if you're running into these common mistakes and you just don't have a website that's stunning or your clients don't have a website that's stunning. We can set up a time for you and I to chat together and I will have an awesome time and you will have an awesome time getting to know each other hearing what your mission, your vision and those roadblocks are, and we'll get you to that next level. Thank you guys so much for reading.
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