Showing posts with label instant receipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instant receipes. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Let's make yummy Keto Bread Pudding

Today we're gonna make probably my second favorite dessert pre keyed out. Definitely my second favorite dessert. We're going to make bread pudding.

My first is always been tiramisu. Gotta love tiramisu. Have not yet figured out how to make a good keto version of tiramisu. Probably that's a good thing that I haven't figured that out because I'd eat it every day. But now growing up I would say probably my favorite dessert because we ate it often was bread pudding. Why? Because that's what you did with leftover stale bread when the bread was going stale. You either made croutons or you made.Bread pudding and I would rather have bread pudding because dessert sweet tooth.

Yeah, but since keto we never thought we would have bread pudding again because there's no bread around and there's no bread to go stale. And then we discovered Maria Emmerichs PSMF bread and the one thing that people kind of complain a little bit about it being kind of crossed over to crusty actually is what makes it perfect for bread.

Pudding now I have.Tried to make keto versions of bread pudding in the past using things like you know almond flour or coconut flour or the psyllium husk and and they just never work because as soon as you soak them in the liquid they would fall apart. But Maria Emmerich's protein sparing bread just soaks up all of the liquid and really it came to me to make this when she suggested that we make the French toast. Yes, because that's kind of what bread pudding is. It's like a baked French toast.

I'm just letting it sit in the in the battery in the wash longer way longe.

And here's the thing. This is a ridiculously easy recipe.

How easy is it?

Make it so you are saying that I could be responsible for like the really pretty amazing Christmas dessert.

Well, let's go over what we're gonna eat. So obviously the first thing you're going to need is some of the Maria Emmerich right now. This is a half a recipe. I'm gonna leave a link for these lopin this is if we're not making this like baguettes for like meatball heroes. This is how I like to make it instead of having the big loaf we make it in this and this is a half a recipe. So what you do is you can get these pans. I want to say it was like 9 bucks but they're perfect.Because look at that. Everything comes out super easy to clean and one recipe perfectly makes two of these. And this is how much you need for this recipe. So it's going to be about a half a recipe. OK, so we need some bread. Obviously. Now what we're going to do with the bread to save time? I've already done it. You're going to take it and you're going to cut it up. You can either use a knife or the way we did it when I was a kid where you would just take it and like rip pieces, right? So that it's like all like different sizes, because again, it would be like leftover bread anyway.Again, you're going to end up with about four to five cups. Then we're going to do is you're going to put it in your oven for about 300 degrees. Put it right in the casserole dish just like this, and we're trying to kind of dry out the bread a little bit. You don't want to get it burnt, just kind of dry it out a little bit, but we're going to put this to the side after that. Here's what you're going to need.You're gonna need some egg yolks. We're using 6 egg yolks. Finally, guess what?

We can.

Use them we're using a half a recipe of the bread. The whole recipe for the bread uses 12 egg whites, so 6 egg yolk, egg, 6 egg whites for the bread, 6 egg yolks for the pudding. Love it. We need some allulose.You can use swerve, but I personally I tried it. I don't think it tastes as good, it gets a cooling effect. So if you are going to want more sweetness, my suggestion would be use the amount of allulose that we're going to tell you, and then up the sweetness using either like liquid stevia, liquid monk fruit or liquid sucralose.We're gonna need some vanilla extract.

Which I'm all about. I love the smell of vanilla.

We're gonna need some heavy whipping cream.OK, then, here's what we're using. When I was making it growing up in pre keto I always used half and half, half and half's got a lot of carbs in it and I know you're going to look at the container and see it has one carb per serving. Well heavy whipping cream has zero carbs per serving according to container. Yeah when you multiply it out.

It has more than double the carbs. I want to say like a half a cup of it has six carbs as opposed to a half a cup of heavy whipping cream has three. So instead of using half and half.We're going to use the Maple Hill 0 sugar milk if you don't have access to this, you could also use coconut milk and it really doesn't alter the flavor much, but we're going to need the Maple Hill 0 sugar milk full fat version because again, remember the original recipe was half and half, which is half milk and half cream. Yeah, OK.Optional is some cinnamon, but again, for me, bread pudding is kind of like a French toast, so I want cinnamon.

But some people have allergies.

But yeah, you don't have to have the cinnamon. Are you ready? So we'll put all that to the side. Let's get going. OK, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna put a bowl right below our camera in that bowl.You're gonna add 6 egg yolks. It's a piece of the bread that just flew in there. 6 egg yolks into there.

It's so different without the whites, right?

Yes.To that.We're gonna add 3 tablespoons of allulose.Then we're going to add.2 cups of heavy whipping.

Cream just enough fo coffee.

OK, now all of the macros are gonna be linked down below. I do wanna say the macros that we have down below the macros that are gonna be on the website because that's where you're gonna find this recipe. That's based on using the ingredients we're using. If you change anything up, for example, you don't use the Maple Hill 0 sugar milk. It'll change things. It's going to change the macros the macros are based on. What you see us using here now here's a little tip we're going to take that cup there of the heavy whipping cream. We have 1 1/2.Cups of the Maple Hill organic.

Don't wanna miss and.

And we're gonna just kind of pour it in here first to kind of get some of that heavy whipping cream.

Slosh it around.

So 2 cups of heavy whipping cream, 1 1/2 cups of the Maple Hill 0 sugar milk. Put that off to the side.We need one tablespoon of vanilla.Did you just put your finger on the vanilla for our?

Food, but we're gonna.

Eat it, then we're gonna put some cinnamon. I would say about a half a teaspoon to a teaspoon. I'm not gonna really measure it, I'm just gonna kind of dump it.

I love cinnamon.Take a hand mixer and you can do it by hand. If you want. You're going to get this all mixed and combined.OK, that's good.Now, from there, we're going to take this mixture.And we're going to pour it over our bread.

This is my kind of cooking.Makes them poor.

Now we're going to do is just take like a spatula and what you wanna do.

Keep pressing your bread down. Now you can always use a little bit less mixture. You can keep out some of the bread. Sometimes what I'll do is, except for I know exactly how much I had here. What I would do is hold some of the bread out and just in case you don't quite have enough mixture, you can add more back in. But if you once you put it in there, it's kind of there, right? So I'd rather keep it out.And then add in making sure you have enough of the egg mixtures.

This is like waka mole, so like every single time it tries to float up like no, you're going down.

And just keep pressing. You wanna press down hard. The whole idea is to get this to really soak up.

And this bread can take.

It yes.Now, once you have that all done, what we're going to do is we're going to cover this up. We're going to stick it into the refrigerator for a minimum of four hours, preferably overnight. Then afterwards, we're going to actually take that meat and put it into the oven. 325 degrees for 50 minutes to an hour, or until you put a knife in the middle and it comes out.

Clean the hardest part of this recipe is the.

Waiting. That's right, so you've got that done. What we'll do is we'll put that in the refrigerator.One thing I would say is every once in a while, maybe when you go to the refrigerator or to make dinner or something like that or in.

Pop up just kind of go in there maybe, and give it a little stir or press it down to make sure everything is soaking up all that egg mixture.

Get back in there. OK, so this has been in the refrigerator overnight. We're going to pop it in the oven now. 325 degrees for 50 minutes.

Through the magic of television, because we've already made this.

We've got one already made, so we don't have to wait 24 hours and you can take a look at that. I mean, look how good that is. You can see all the pieces of bread, but it's just got that nice pudding consistency. Now again, your serving size is dependent on you. How much do you want? We're going to cut this into. Probably a pieces whatever you can manage. If you want to try to go 12, be my guest.Now I would probably say you can even get it into 10 pretty easily, so let's see.Ohh look at that.

That looks so good.

OK, so put that to the side.Ohh smell.


OK, but here's the thing. You know how bread pudding needs to be served. Bread pudding needs to be served with like an amaretto sauce. Problem is amaretto. Not too keto friendly. So what we're going to do is we're going to top it with a little bit of this goodies. Maple syrup. Not a lot, just a little bit to give it that flavor like you would put on toast.

This stuff is better than any regular sugar version of Maple syrup he's ever had. That was like hard to believe that he said that yeah, you can. Also, if you want you can use.Walden Farms we have it once in a while. We use it because we just want no total carbs. It is a bit of a science experiment, but it tastes really good. Another option is the Birch benders, but once we found this this is kind of like the go to.

The first place.

We're just going to put just a touch on there, maybe like a half a serving, not even a half a serving.Just a little bit to give it that flavor and then.We recently discovered this. We don't have a spoon, but,

cool whip we're gonna use cool whip but this is a keto version.

True whip of cool whip. It's called true whip. We have a review on this. I will leave a link for that right over and look at that look at that. Is that not delicious looking?

Perfect brunch option. Great for the holidays but you don't have to wait until Thanksgiving or Christmas. You can enjoy this every day of the week, right?Get a get a dink it.

Ohh this is so good looking.

Dink.Home run.Really, really good.

It's like French.

Toast and you're getting your protein in, which is wild.

Hmm.That's so good.

It is really tasty.

Now I actually made this at one point.Hmm, without like letting it sit in the refrigerator for all night. Just like 4 hours, it was a lot more liquidy so the longer you let it sit, the more that bread just soaks it up. So you can see like this is actually falling apart, but you have that pudding in there and this is how I like it. So it's almost like a breakfast. Now look at that.

It's really good.No one is going to think that this is mostly comprised of egg.

Yeah, like there's no real bread in here. What are you kidding me? Nobody's gonna know. Let us know down in the comments section if you try this. Let us know also what was your favorite dessert pre keto and what is your favorite dessert. You know we have holidays coming up. What is your favorite keto dessert now? If you like seeing videos like this take a look at some of the other videos that we have linked right over here. Also make sure you take a look at the most recent video which we're going to put right over there.

I hope you like keeto bread pudding recipe with conversation.

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