Showing posts with label keywords reaserch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label keywords reaserch. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2022

Get top rank of your website without keywords

Hey, there, This is Alex and welcome to my blog today. I want to offer you a free search engine optimization keyword finder tool that's a mouthful, but let's go over what search engine optimization is first SEO. What is that, why do we need it, why do we need to understand it. And I I personally as I research it more and more and more I learn about it. It's the people that have a really good understanding of what seo is and how to use it are the people that are usually more successful in the getting the traffic that is free. You have two different kinds of traffic and i've talked about that in other blogs, there's paid traffic. You pay for with money and then there's free traffic, which isn't really free because you're paying for it with your time but money or time, which one do you have and how do you want to find your traffic, so i'm gonna show you how to find the free traffic or the traffic that you spend with your time and not with your money and that's what search engine optimization is basically if you go online. And you go to search for something you're using the whole process. 

You might go in and search for. How do i lose 10 pounds or something like that. And when you type it in the the articles that pop up or the videos that pop up are the ones that have keywords, they kind of have a more in depth knowledge and they're picking keywords that help them to rank on that first page because if you're anything like i am. There could be 30000 pages in that search that comes up. I don't know anybody that goes to page 25 to find something. Now, maybe you do. Maybe you've been in marketing and you're like, hey, i'm gonna go find out what other people have because I know these people on the front page are using their search engine optimization skills pretty good idea. But the average person stays on that first page and they're going to find the answer to the question. So your goal as a marketer is to get on that first page if you can. So i'm going to offer a free tool to you today that especially if you're new and you've never done it, you don't wanna put any money out. There's all kinds of tools out there that you could pay monthly fees for again. A lot of us don't want to put money out in the beginning. So i've got a free tool for you today, so let's go ahead and get started. We're gonna go through the process. Okay, we're gonna go into Google and we're gonna Google. Let's see what i have click funnels, what is click funnels. I use that at first, just so we could see what comes up and as you can see blogs.

So if you are trying to. End up on this first page and rank high. You're actually competing with Brussels Bronson, who owns click funnels and it's probably extremely competitive. Spencer, meet me. Come mecca has gotten his face in here is number 3, but everything else almost the majority of these are from the. So what you would have to do is go in and find other keywords. So you might start talking about sales funnels or something like that. Let's look up what is a sales funnel and see what pops up. Ok in our search. So let's go. Here. And let's just see what happens, how different it might become. All right. So that's everything you always want to hit if you're looking for something to put on your video, you wanna go under videos if you're looking for a video, then you might want to stay on the all page. But I will say a lot of the videos that come up are also blogs. If you look right here where this one says youtube Dot com, I know that this is a video, but see Brussels right there. What is a sales funnel, the second one here is a blog because it doesn't say youtube. Little tip there if you are really big about posting blogs on your website, you're trying to get traffic. Put an embedded video on there and it's gonna also pop up on the video page. So it's just another way to get more traffic, but here's one here. From if you notice, more people are on this page besides Russell. So i think Russell only landed here once, which is pretty good. So if you want to make a video about click funnels. You might not use the word click funnels in your title because what's gonna happen is it's highly competitive and you're gonna get pushed way way back. 

So instead you want to maybe just say what is a sales funnel or say something about that? Now. How can I even go in more in depth, I usually start out with that, just asking questions. Like what what would people who are wanting to look at my channel, what are questions that they might ask, sometimes I use real questions that people send to me and sometimes I just think to myself, what would I. So here's the free tool that I want to show to you. So we're going to say what is a sales funnel and we're gonna go to it's called uber suggest dot com. It's free. I'll put the link below Neil Patel. This is him right here, created this site and he offers it for free. There's his name a great person follow on youtube. By the way, if you're really into blogging SEO and things like that, he's he's been around for a while, so definitely follow him. If that's if you wanna dig in a little bit deeper. But this one says click funnels and as you can see. It, the difficulty levels 36, the search engine optimization difficulties 56, the higher that number is the more difficult, but let's go ahead and type in what is a A sales funnel. Because remember, we already decided click funnels would be too hard to to compete with. Look at this just by changing that word, the SEO difficulty goes all the way down down to 10 and it's easy. So if you're writing a blog or if you're making a video and you want people to search and find you use the word sales funnel instead of click funnels and you might say, yeah but I use click funnels and I won't want to tell people about it. Well, you could have a title that says, what is the best sales funnel and people gonna go, yeah, what is that best sales funnel and then you can go on to explain click funnels inside your article, but your keyword search that main search is gonna be what is a sales funnel. 

Does that make sense, so you're still getting your information in there, but you're looking at the the difficulty levels. All right, what are some other things we can do here in urban uber suggest if you go down, it says keyword ideas. So we started out what is a sales funnel. Now the system is going to tell us what are some more keywords that we can use in our description in our blog or in our SEO part tags in our video and here are some other what is this. What is the sales funnel. And you can just go down here on the side and you can get other ideas. These are other questions or keyword ideas that you can get and you can look at all of the. 

Analytics that comes with it. CPC means click. Pa. Cost per click. I'm sorry. So the lower this number is the better it is for you, the less competitive if that click is really high again, remember you're competing with the big dogs you're competing with click funnels and you don't wanna do that. You want that to be low. So this says here what is the sales funnel or how do you create a sales funnel. Okay, that would be another way to do it. We can also go down here. And get content ideas. So if you're still thinking, okay, I want to talk about sales funnels and insert click funnels is in there. What are some content ideas that I can use, and again. What is what the heck is a blog sales funnel. Okay, 4 phases to sales funnel. So these are all different articles or content ideas that you can use and these are actual ones that are out there. Now he gets into back links for bloggers. So this is definitely a good place to find out about back links and how many are with these articles. This person here is on facebook a lot. Notice that and they're pretty successful down here the one right below it is on Pinterest a lot, so don't I don't want you to look at those and think I have to be on Facebook or I have to be on Pinterest. There are people who are successful on every single platform. The key for you is is. What platform do you enjoy using? If you love instagram? Like you're on the go a lot and you're one of those people that, you know, you're always on your phone and instagram. You just love it, then build your business on instagram if you love to make videos, build your business on youtube, I think that's what's important because there are successful people on every single platform. Linkedin. 

I've seen people be very, very successful there. So yes, this is important information, but you you need to be on the platform. The social media platform that best fits you. Let's do another one. Here's. How do I organize my social media. Ok, there's just a general question. Now again, i'm not looking for a blog. So let's use that and here you go. There's this is what i wanna do when i'm trying to rank. I wanna rank on this front page. Now here's one. Let's see she's ranking 1 2, 3, 4. Here's somebody i love on youtube. The she's got a video ranking number for her name name is sunny and she talks about a lot about, creating a business with youtube and. In this particular blog, i talked about social media marketing and how she's organized. She did this four years ago and it's still ranking. And if I was looking, the chances are I could click that it's the fourth one down and you know she may in her video be suggesting different tools. I'm sure she's suggesting a certain social media organization tool for me to use because she's probably gonna go through it. But my point is it's evergreen. It stayed here for four years and she's still getting views. We're gonna get rid of that commercial. Now i'm not gonna go into the video and watch it and everything, but I can assure you that sunny is recommending a certain social media organization tool for us to check out and it's an affiliate link for her. And again, she made this four years ago, but we. You can look at some of the keywords that you use. We can pop them into that uber suggest. Now I do have a bit I Q and 2 buddy that I pay for. 

But I always start out free with uber suggest and then when I pull up videos, that's when I go a step further, you don't have to do that. Okay, I just happened that's Ramat right now with what I like to. 2 months from now, you might say. Well, why aren't using that anymore, but that's where i'm at right now, but uber suggests so I can put in here. Go back and let's put in. Let's go to the top here, ask a question. What is a social. Media. Manage. Mentor. Okay, let's. Or how do I organize my social media posts, you could write that okay, look at that hardly any competition when you get into social media management. Areas that everybody else isn't making videos with sunny actually calls it. But if you go in and start looking for things that have very little. Competition and you make videos in that area and your videos are gonna have to be more likely to be on that first page. Your your search engine optimization is gonna push you and help you to rank first. So that's another little thing that you want to look at. But here we are and we can see not a lot of competition. So let's look at some keyword ideas. Now here you can go a step further. 

You can pick your favorite social media management tool and type that word in and see how the competition is. There 26 keyword ideas, what is social media management, what is it? You could do a whole video or a blog about describing that tool, social media management tools for free. There's another one now that one is higher. The cost per click is higher cause maybe people are looking for that. What are the free tools that are out there. So this again is a free link. A free tool for you to look for keywords. Let's go back over here. At the content ideas. I just wanted to bring this to your. Put it in your tool, but the tool box, if you could say so that you have something to use for free because I know when you're new, there's so many things out there and some of these keyword search tools can get pretty expensive now if you're using them and you really understand how to use them and you know you're you're to that point where you really understand what you're doing. Then by all means, start paying for me. This is a great one to start with. It's free and it helps you to start getting the idea of what search engine optimization is. So I hope this was helpful. Again, it's called uber suggest dot com. I'll go ahead and put the link below and before you go first of all. I started out just affiliate marketing and then found that my favorite my favorite social media platform is youtube and. I'm sold on it. This is where I spend all of my time providing content. So again. Get out there. Pick the one you like the best and start getting your business built. You've got this tool now that you can use for free. And start seeing what you can you can build from there. All right, thanks for reading. I'll see you on the next blog.

If you are looking for keywords reaserch tool. Than please click on below link. It will help you.

Thank You 😊