Showing posts with label women feelings about man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women feelings about man. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2022

6 ways to make him crazy about you.

Today we're going to talk about six ways to make him feel weak in crazy about you.

Always wanted so let's say that your with a man and you want him to feel more intense desire for you to the to the extent that he almost feels like we gore like guy crazy about being with you and in having you in his life so what do you do so the overarching theme that we're going to be talking about here's something that i call the are one special woman formula and i talk about this and in a bunch of different programs in different videos that i have on here and what what it is is there's one kind of key component to it and then there's kind of the sub components that we're going to be talking about in the blog and so the number.

One key component is this thing called value right being high value so to a man if a man who wants to what makes a man feel like you're the right woman for him like you're just this amazing awesome woman that he's just your madly pay passionately deeply in love with his i had this feeling that you're this valuable woman to him right like you've got something that special about you like you've you you and rich and enhance his life and on you want to be a high value enough so that he feels like he needs to strive to attain you write like like you're somebody that he needs to put in effort for like he needs to on pursue and chase i and go for a real relationship with but not so much that you're completely out of reach right so a lotta times women come to my blogs and they ask me questions were and and generally their situation is on the extremes rights it's sometimes a lot of times people are in the middle but a lot of times.

We will go to the extremes as well and the extremes are like one side being you know so completely available that you know guys like he doesn't feel like there's anything special going on there and the other side is kind of this i'm so busy and i've got so much going on and you know i'm so high value and you'll never reach or a me or you know end up being a relationship with me and neither one of those are good places to be when you're in a relationship with a guy there's this middle spot murder me talking about this right now so there's for components to what we're going to be talking about right now and number four is probably the most powerful.

One arm but the all of them are important so stay tuned for all of them so the first thing that you want to do to make a guy feel weak and crazy about you on is is is more of a lifestyle thing right it's it's being happy in your own life right it's having a good life it's feeling happy it's not needing him to have happiness right it's not needing him to feel love to fuel all the important in wonderful things that you want to experience in your life and the reason that this is really powerful is that when he sees you he sees like this meeting fun interesting person right he he he gets to be with you and he feels like he's winning constantly right in the more he feels like he's winning i actually creates this some doberman effect in his in his brain where i he didn't even get addicted to this feeling like he's winning with you right answer your it's like you're giving him. Having your own life in you have your own things that make you happy and he's driving continually feeling challenge to strive to make you happy but he can write it's not like like there's some women and guys get into relationships with them all the time who rely on the man further.

Your happiness in and it it works because the guy has to strive to make her happy on long term it doesn't work though because what ends up happening is ah it's nothing's ever enough right and so that's one extreme right and the other extreme is kind of being like i'm a not needing him at all right and now m not wanting him and in your life at all and end it being like show or difficult to win with you that he just gives up completely so the second way to make a guy feel weak in crazy about you is actually a mindset component in this mindset component is feeling attractive if valuable and confident yourself and the reason why this is really powerful is because men are just naturally drawn to women that are confident right there are drawn to women lot like we're talking.

About women that are valuable to them women who are who are attractive and when you feel these things is already on men can pick up on like subtle things subtle kind of feelings that are going on with a woman right so if if you come to an interaction and you feel really insecure most guys can kind of pick up on that right if he's talking to you he can pick up on you feelings insecure you feeling you're like you're not valuable you're going to project that in what you say when you're talking to him now on the other hand if you feel like you're confident new feel like your valuable a new you feel like you're attractive he's going to pick up on that as well and in his mind in his subconscious mind he's going to say think oh maybe she really is all of these things i even if maybe i'm he wouldn't normally think that about a woman that he met anyway if if you on there there's i had a mentor that used to tell me she who is the most certain always wins right so if you're the most certain about who you are and how you feel on that kind of gets transferred to other people and if you believe that you're confident few believe that you're attractive if you believe that your valuable on then and it the people around you men and women will start to look at you that way no matter what right because it breaks their systems of what they believe in all the sudden they take on your perspective and so what you want to do is you want to spend.

Time figuring out what makes you feel confident spend time figuring out what makes you feel attractive spend time figuring out what makes you feel valuable right and in learn more about how that works in your life you know what what kind of things you need to do to feel confident generally are being good at something makes you feel confident right like knowing what to say knowing what to do in certain situations is what makes people feel confident or on you know attractive what can you were what can you how can you look how can you work with yourself how can you feel about yourself to make yourself feel attractive right or valuable on how you know like what things do you need to have in your life to make you feel like a valuable person and so working on those things can be incredibly powerful and make a guy feel like you're just an amazing woman so number three in this is where we get into some of the really really good stuff or number three is focusing on what he feels when he's around you.

You know and there's kind of a component where it's like okay a guy needs to feel good when he's around you right but a guy doesn't only need to feel good when he's around you it's like if you went to a movie theater right new watched a movie in the movie was just fun the whole to time you know i might be kind of interesting but it probably wouldn't be that memorable you know you'd believe the theater and you'd be like i was there is good you know like i i enjoyed it you know was fun however a really good movie some the classic movies the best movies that are out there they don't just make you feel one emotion right they take you to a rollercoaster ride right you're you're in there you're smiling you're laughing you're feeling anticipation that the real right you get you get scared maybe maybe there's a point where you're like crying you know there's the it takes you through a whole bunch of different emotions and we get to the end of the movie you're like oh man that was show awesome right because you experience all these different things and feeling all there's different types of emotions can be addictive right and it can make of guy feel addicted to being around your presence in soon way number four and this is one of the most powerful ones.

He's being unpredictable mysterious and surprising so on the analogy that i'll give for this one is that of like a ongoing out to a gamble or something right people get addicted to gambling because of the ah because of how unpredictable it is right sometimes they win sometimes they don't you know there's all these different things going on and mckenna triggers all these different emotions in these dope mean receptors in their brains in these floods of different emotions and stuff and and what ends up happening is they become addicted to it right and so are being unpredictable is the key to making a guy feel really addicted to you and in just being like totally obsessed right so if a guy if you want to guy to be like really really into you are be unpredictable you know don't do the same thing all the time don't say the same thing all the time you know and and again there's there's extremes on this one right one one extreme is being on the side of being totally predictable and you know yeah same thing every single time.

I am, you know that's chicken for dinner you know and the other side is like being massively unpredictable right which is too far right which is when guys start to think that women are crazy is when they are like wow she's the i mean i've no idea what's going on with her she's completely out of her mind right you want to be somewhere in the middle right you want to be in this space where you're not predictable.

But you're also not like crazy you know and and eat but you you give him a lot of different emotions to feel you you are you do a whole bunch of different things all of these things they're gonna leave him wanting more and that's really want you want to give him his this feeling like i know he wants more rain in your and different your different from all the the plan boring women that he meets out there your this really interesting special high value unpredictable interesting attractive confident woman and i got a woman like that is just on believe really attractive to any guy thanks for watching this video if you're ready to know exactly what to say and do to attract the man and the relationship you've always wanted.

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