Thursday, July 28, 2022

Natural way to fit your body

Most people are underworked and they have ill help today. Health is life's. If you're allowed to function fully. It is healthy. Only by using this body, you can keep it well, the more you use it, the better it gets. There was a young physician. 

He went to his senior colleague. And said. He had some problem with the certain diagnosis of a patient. Then the senior colleague said, oh, nerves and vomiting, is it. Yes, but I don't find any medical reason for him to be having nerves and vomiting. Shall the senior colleague suggested. You asking if he is playing golf. If he's playing. You tell him to stop. If he says i'm not playing, ask him to play. He'll become okay. Health is like that. Yeah. Some people are overworked. And they have enough. Most people are underworked and they have ill help today. If you've lived here on this planet 200 years ago. Physically you would be doing at least 20 times more activity than what you doing right now. Physically. Definitely, isn't it. You would have walked to this place. You would have done everything with your hand. You would be doing minimum 20 times more activity. I think i'm wrong hundred times, probably. Some of you 250 times. So if you were doing that much activity. 

Then I would have told you take a break to take some rest. Now the body had not been used. Only by using this body, you can keep it well when you say health, you're talking about physical health. You must use this body. The more you use it, the better it gets. A few years ago, when we were a small group of people here, I took them on a track. So when we were walking at that time, ok. Almost six weeks before that. Enable helicopter. Took off from Mangalore. I heard stories about it. I don't know how far as two people. There were some important documents on the plane and things like that. I don't know the helicopter. With four senior officer, three senior officers and the pilot. The helicopter crashed into the jungle. It's really thick. Western. The mountains in the jungle is very, very thin. And six weeks later. They had not found the helicopter. So full battalion of army was camped there combing the jungle. From one end to another to locate this helicopter. And recover whatever they had to recover from that place. So there was a whole battalion armed personnel. Maybe about 200 250 people camp. And they were coming the jungle. They have been there for six weeks. So when we walked in. We were like. We were having problems cooking and everything because it was pouring rain and. We had walked. For the whole day. Then we walked into this army camp and made ourselves into uninvited guests because the food was smelling good. And you really know only the value of food only when you used your body. Like that if you walk twenty thirty kilometers in a day. At the end of the day, if you not eaten the whole day. You really value fruit. So we walked in and. This officer was very generous. He welcomed us and he was very happy to have us the captain who was there. And one of the sergeants in India. 

I mean, I know it have all that. I will dance. And this guy just looked at us and. He asked us. Why are you walking, he said, just like that if you want to walk. He couldn't believe it. Just like that. We are here for six weeks with just waiting when this damn thing will be over every day. We have to walk twenty thirty kilometres searching for this damn helicopter, which we cant find. And you just walking for fun. He just wouldn't believe as is it possible that somebody could just walk for fun. Blisters in your legs and, you know. He just couldn't believe that. He doesn't understand. What he's doing as a force exercise in the army is keeping him so heavy and. Yes, he doesn't understand that. So. Helps. One of the simplest things about health. He's just to use the body. If you sufficiently use the body. 

Body has everything to create health for itself. Does it mean to say that's the only thing and nothing else will happen to me. I'll be perfect. I would say. If we physically used our body as much as we should it. I would say 80 percent of the elements on this planet would just disappear. 80 percent. The remaining 20 percent. In that. Another 10 percent is because the type of foods that people are eating the chain of food habit. Another 10 percent would disappear. That means only 10 percent element would remain. That has happened because of variety of reasons. One is garlic. And that could be atmospheric. And there are other aspects that could have happened in the system. Which can be looked at. Out of all the sick people, if 90 percent of them become healthy just by using the body and eating the right food, 10 percent could be easily had. But now the volume of ailment is so big. Because we don't eat properly. Are we doing property. And we don't use the body properly. So. Apart from this, there are other aspects to life. To put it very simply. As you exercise your body. If you just do this. A thousand times a day, just do like this times a day. And after one month. Jesse, how well your hand will be work. Nothing else, just sit here and just do this thousand times a day. After 30 days. You will find your hand works wonderfully well. If you do that with your brains. It will work wonderfully well in a month's time. 

If you do this with your heart. It'll work wonderfully. If you do that with your life energies. It will work wonderfully well. When all these things work well, that's helped. So you just have to use your body. Use your head. And use your energies if these three things are well exercised. And balanced. You will be healthy. This happened to me once his way back and talking. This was just the second or third BSP vast banana program was conducting. And it was one of those little child trees. Where. You know, you had to run up the staircase and up and down any number of times because the arrangement was like. I just counted that day one particular day i'm teaching, but I had to manage the kitchen and that I have everything. I went up and down the staircase hundred and 25 times in that day. 

And I felt very healthy at the end of the boss moment. I'm sure many of you are volunteering the biosphere and the programs have become very strong and healthy. Sudden burst of activity may lay down. But if you build activity into your life. Physical, mental and energy, all these things if you're building health. Welcome your body is working well. Your mind is working well and your energy is supporting the two, making sure nothing goes wrong. That's help. Life is happening in full flow that's happened. Health is not an idea. It is not a medical idea. The medical. Fletcher and the medical knowledge. Has become more and more essential because we have built in very unhealthy lifestyles. Never before in the world medicine had the kind of importance. As it is having today. Simply because we are becoming more and more sedentary. So we are becoming more and more unhealthy. Hundred years ago. What a 60 year old person was doing physical activity, that much activity. A twenty year old cannot do it today. That means we're just weakening humanity. A degenerate humanity. We will become over a period of time. So. You must use it. Health is not something that you invent. Health is not your idea. Health is life happening well. The life crosses is happening well, that's health, healthy lives. If you're allowed to function fully. It is healthy. 

I hopy you like this information. If you are looking for natural supliment. Than you can click on below link. It will help you.

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Yoga for women's irregular period

If you look at the classic yogic system.It is essentially created for the male body.They did not consider the female body because females never came for sadhana in those times.It was not possible for them to come.For various reasons, biological reasons. Social reasons.

The way everything else was.And because your yoga was not taught in a studio, it was thought by some guru somewhere in some cave in some mountain, some forest, a woman could not go in those days.So.Largely 90% of the yogic system was oriented towards the male body, not to the towards the female body.So many systems of yoga which are being recklessly thought today.

Could damage a woman's body. If not properly handled, one of the things that you are learning is Mayor asana. They told you not to do maharasan yeah.Because that's not suitable. It's a Peacock asana, not a peahen asana. So like this, there are many aspects. Some of them are very.

Physical aspects some of their more subtle, but they are there.There are certain things a woman should not do.At all, there are some certain things that she should not do at certain times.So what she should not do at all, generally in Isha yoga we have not even looking at those things except Mayor Rasana and a few other things which are not in coming in touch with you. For Brahmachari is we have a few things which.Which are not necessary for others.

So during certain times, what you should not do depends from one woman to another. It could be a little different.Not everybody.Suffers those few days as much as somebody else. For some people it throws whole their whole life off the track. Some people go through it.Without much disturbance, either in their psychological or physiological system. So depending upon how a particular person is, mild adjustments will have to be made.

But if we are doing anything which is very forceful. If you're doing any practice which is forceful in nature.It is best to avoid it at those times because any forceful activity could cause agitation in the body and in the mind because at that time naturally body is seeking a certain amount of rest. A certain amount of.Quiet not. Agitated activitythere are certain other aspects which are more towards crya than Asana.

If you have learned to do asana in a very relaxed way, it's all right to do everything. If you're still not there, it's better to avoid a few things.But if you do.Asanas properly, the struggles that you are having with your monthly cycles should completely go away at least the pain and the cramps and the works should just completely disappear. If your sadhana is right. If it is increased after sadhana, you must wait for three months. After three months, if still not reduced then we must relook at your sadhana, how you're doing it, what you're doing may be OK, but how you're doing needs to be looked at.Uh.

With Krias there are more restrictions with Asana. There is not much restriction. There may be some practices which are physical postures and also kriyas. They are the things that you need to be really careful about.Like we are doing Surya Kriya. Surya Kriya needs to be looked at carefully because.If too much sun burns within you.Thenit's very good on one level, but if it's troubling you in your feminine aspect, then we need to readjust it. We need to rejig it a little bit for you. It's very important that individual there is no common prescription like that.

But generally, what's being taught?As Isha yoga need not be avoided, it's all fine except the kapalabhati. Everything else is fine, can be done.

I hope you like this information. If you want to read or Know more about yoga, than please click on below link.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Bioenergy codes manifestation: Law of attraction

Bioenergy codes works just fine and has worked for me as a person. But you have to pay attention to the information I have to give you in this blog for you too. So let me explain better. It first was talk to you about the bioenergy code by a friend of mine on Facebook, and I decided to go on Google to search for reviews. I mean that of you know, people who have used the product, and let's reviews what else is reading reviews. I found out that. I saw websites saying that I could get a 90% discount off the bioenergy code, and I said in my mind, why not give it a try? I went ahead, clicked enter my card details and it paid 4 weeks. So after the payment, I noticed that nothing was delivered to me. I got worried. I tried contacting customer support, they replied to me and they asked for the receipt number I had. They looked at it and they were like this number is fake.At the time, I just realized that I bought the bioenergy cold from a fake website. That time, they charged me up to $100 and counting. So a few weeks after this incident, I decided to still go and carefully, by the bioenergy from their official and real website. After I bought this from the Rio and official website, it was delivered to me in peace. I mean, no hassle. So my main point is that you really have to make sure that you're buying.Your copy of the bioenergy code from the right source to make it easy and secure for everyone,  whenever you are ready to buy the bioenergy code, now  talked to you about this game. So let me walk you through the pros and cons that I found while using the bioenergy codes for myself. I will start with the cross. The first thing I would like to mention as a pro that comes with the bioenergy code is the fact that it actually does what it promises as it helps to. To, you know, view health, wealthy myself, for instances.

After I went through the whole program, the way I set-up to do things changed and everything seemed to work out just fine. Art the time, unlike the formal me and so our consider that approval and the second thing that I would also consider a pro that comes with the bioenergy code program, is the fact that the information that's inside of the ebook is Super easy to digest. I have in past times read a lot of Ebers that has, you know, really advanced the English. The average English speaker wouldn't understand, but with the bioenergy ebook, one would not have a problem as it is written in simple English. And the third thing that I would love to mention as a Pro is the fact that you can access the bioenergy code program from multiple devices, and this includes smartphones, iPhones, as well as desktop devices. This just gives you, you know, the flexibility because you could even go through.They involve anywhere at all, and the 4th and final thing I would love to consider as a pro that comes with the bioenergy code program is the fact that it actually has a 60 days money back guarantee and the fact that they have a 60 days money back guarantee makes it a no brainer because you could, you know, literally try it and ask for your money back.

If what you learned does not in any way improve your life. Yeah, so now what I have.Walk you through the pros. Let me then take you to the coins. So the first thing that I would love to mention as a coin that comes with the bioenergy code program is the fact that they use misleading cells copies. Let me explain. If you go to their sales page, you will notice that the problem is that you will start manifesting cash in just 24 hours. But guys are a bit brutally honest with you. The information that you get.Worse, quite alright, yes, but not that it will start working in the next 24 hours. For instance, I got my pizza block that made me the winner of $1000 draw that was always held in the game that I have been playing. The game is called big time. Some of you should know this, but that's not happened in 24 hours. I have to first of all digest all of the information in the book, apply it to my daily life and that was when things started to happen.

It actually took me about a week and yours could be, you know, faster or even slower. I can't actually tell because everybody is different. Yeah so, but the program really works. It works well. Just be patient with it. It will work for you now. The second thing that I would really love to mention is a con that comes with the bioenergy code is the fact that it really takes time and real dedication to follow the steps that the bioenergy. Code program wants you to go through, so if you are someone that is easily confused by different things, then I would not recommend the bioenergy code to you. Yep, now that you know about the scam, the pros, and the cons. 

Let me now walk you through what you get inside of the bioenergy code program so that you get to have a little bit of understanding as to what you're about to pay for to make sure everyone that's watching this my review video.Understands the program.So what is sensitive that bioenergy code when you buy this program, you also get access to an ebook called Bioenergy Code Manual that helps you understand the audio frequencies. 432 Hertz frequency and the gut frequency, which help in the body's alignment bioenergy. Moreover, it also helps you understand the tradition and the science behind the seven chakras, namely, wrote chakra. Sacral chakra, solar plexus, chakra heart. Chakra throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra. With all these help, you can easily address the root of all your problems and turn the switch on, which will turn your life around here you will listen to a series of transformational audio tracks and this audio tracks include the Twilight transformation. Here you are required to play this.

Audio track right before you go to sleep, leave the audio play overnight while you were asleep. The audio relaxes the mind into the set of states during the time the audio plays. Subliminal suggestions that set to remove negative thoughts, in this case referred to as abundance blocks. Thereafter you are ready to receive new positive thoughts into the kind of mind that will eventually transform your life.Additional audio tracks include the daytime wealth activator. This particular audio helps you program your mind for wealth as you do normal activities like watching movies, watching dishes, or even playing. You know the video games. Also, it is important for you to know that there are a bunch of bonuses that comes once you pay for the bioenergy code program. Once you have bought the bioenergy code, you do not just. Take home the course but you will be gifted with additional bonus. Packages are the bioenergy code, 5 minutes bioenergy healing the heart energy activator, the bioenergy code manual, the bioenergy code decoded. Also, it's important for you to know that when you purchase bioenergy code, you will get an application that can be downloaded on your phone or tablets.This conveniently helps enables you to listen to the audios while on the go. So just press play. If you are riding your bike, driving your car, mowing the lawn, or even walking to work. So do I recommend this bioenergy code program. My answer to that question will be yes. I mean, a big yes as I myself have bought the product and it's working really fine. A good example is the big time game $1000.Cash draw that I just want. So yes, the stuff works and I would recommend it. 

If you want to read more about it, than please click on below link. It will help you.

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Wealth Manifestation: Easy way to create wealth

So the wealth manifestation class is really just about transformation.Then transformation it's about transforming yourself and your trading. The wealth manifestation class is really all about you. It's about learning how to manifest wealth in your own life and abundance by transforming yourself at the heart of every problem lies the solution. Many times people need to regroup different periods in their life and reevaluate in order to move forward and transform. The important thing to realize is that you can make changes to your life. You can transform your life.And you know, the interesting thing is that today's day and age there is no set amount of time or age that this can happen in. 

You know, one person could be in a totally different career and they could make a career change in their 40s in their 50s and their 60s. There is no time element that plays a part of this. You are never too old or never too young to make changes in your life.And ask yourself, you know, are you really happy? Are you happy with your life and the main thing is that a lot of our lives are spent with our careers. Chef, you're doing something for a career and you don't really enjoy it. It may be the reason that you're not happy. Think back when you were a child and life was great and you were so carefree. And ask yourself, do you feel carefree right now as an adult that can make your own decisions. We all should feel feel carefree. And if you don't it may have something to do with your overall.

Changes of aspects that need to be made in your life because if you are not happy with your life then something is out of balance. This is a picture of a yin and Yang.And everyone occasionally gets set of balance. However, we can get ourselves back into balance, and we can do it easily because you deserve to be hay. I deserve to be happy. You deserve to be happy in your life right now. And the time for transformation is now, you know, it's going into this period of the year where falls coming up and the seasons are changing. And the next month or so. It's a great time to think about, change, to think about, transformation, to think about.What you want to do with the rest of this year 2013 into 2014. Sometimes you have to do the pre work for the changes that you want to make in your life before they actually take effect. So everything you can do now specifically even with your trading, can move you into 2014 in a new light in a new way in a financially strong position. Ask yourself, do you want to feel financially strong like you have money in the bank? 

You don't have any debts, you have money.To do things to go on vacation to buy Christmas presents. The holidays are coming up.Can you spend money with these if you want to go out and buy something for yourself or someone else? Can you do it or do you feel cramped by that like you can't spend the money? Do you want more time for leisure? Well, of course we all. Do, you know, leisure is fun. Going on vacation is fun. It's summer right now going out in the pool is fun laying out on the beach. It's a great time of the year to relax and enjoy the outdoors. Do you want to take care of your family? And this goes again for people of all ages. Whether you are single or married or have a partner.

Doesn't matter or kids, or even if you're alone. Of course you want to take care of your family, and this could be many people or could be just you and yourself. I'm my own family, I'm my own family and I'm taking care of myself and that's my family.Do you want to be a winner in the game of life? You know, just like the game of chess or checkers or.You know anything that you would play where you're against an opponent. The only difference is in life there there isn't any opponent against you. You are the one that's in charge. You're the one that's making the decisions. You're the one that's the headline, or the one that's in charge of your own life, and you want to be a winner.So it takes focus. It takes focus and knowing what to focus on and again becoming more balanced when you're in touch with yourself and in balance with yourself, you will make the right decisions about money in your life. Having an understanding of yourself and being in balance is important for your overall financial picture. In fact, if you are in balance, then you will be able to make financial progress in your life. In this state you will look at life differently. You will be in more discernment about what.People are thinking when you are in balance, you won't be influenced by outside sources in a negative fashion, so that's the wonderful thing. When you're imbalance, you're going to be in discernment with yourself and what you want and you won't be influenced by outside negative factors.

So how can you start to see more results? More results, better finances, a better financial position. It's about getting a plan of action, a plan of action to move forward. What is your plan of action to move forward this year? If you want to make some significant changes in your financial life, then you need a plan of action. How are you going to do it? How are you going to make these dreams come true? Ask yourself, do you want to improve your financial situation? Do you want to change careers or begin to change careers? Do you want to work less? How do you want to get out of debt? Of course, the answer is yes. No one wants to be in debt and everyone wants to be free financially. You know, often many times when people go through these life changes, they feel like a failure. Ask yourself, do you feel like a failure like you have failed in your own life or your career? Are you confused and do not know which direction to turn next with your life? Do you feel angry or confused and just down about your financial situation? Are you deep in debt and feel like you have no way out like you're overburdened with debt, almost like you're in prison with it like you can't take it anymore like you're trapped? 

Many people feel like this.Nowadays, just the way the banking industry has turned, where they're not willing to help people as much as they used to to get out of debt. So you've got to take it upon yourself. You can't just leave yourself hanging with nowhere to go, and no way out, and you cannot give up. There are people that love you, people that need you, people that need you to support them and take care of them. And there are also many other things to think about. Even your pets need you and you need to do well for your pets. And they're there to love you through these times in life when you are in flux when you are in change.When you were transforming, so formulate a path for success. Very, very important. This is you you are picking up this stone and you're putting it down in front of you, and then you step on that one and then you have to turn around and pick this stone up and you have to turn it around and put it in front of you and step on that one. And so on and so forth. You can do it. You can do it, you can make your own pathway. This is what this lady is doing. It might take a little bit of work, but it gets easier as the path goes on. You're almost there.

So it's about a plan of action to move forward. Getting the right tools for success. Stop waiting for when you will have time. You've got to make the time specifically for your mind and your overall physical, mental spiritual well-being. It's time for you to feel financially secure, and again, all of this comes down to being in balance when you're in balance. It's amazing how all of the things in your life start to flow, even with your career and finances. So go for the cheese.In life and what is this? This is trading the market. This is going for it. This is getting out there and making the changes you need to make for yourself to make your life better. And believing believing you can do it. Believing that your life is worth living and you deserve to be just as happy as these two people right here.

If you want to know more about than you can take the help of below link.

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7 signs that your soulmate is near by you

Being here.You may have just given up on romance. Your last relationship was a bust. You've been on way too many awkward dates, and now romance seems to be the last thing on your mind. Love is not in the air for you, or so it may seem. Despite this, you can't help but ponder the question when will my soulmate show up?You do believe in soulmates, right? While you click this video. So even if you say you don't, I'm willing to bet there's a bit of curiosity in you that leaves you looking for the signs for when they may show.Before we begin, we want to remind you that this video is for entertainment purposes only. It's for fun, it's not backed up by scientific studies. With that said, here are 7 signs your soulmate will show up soon.

#1 You have romantic dreams you've just awakened from a dream. Your head is light as air and your heart is swirling and your stomach Yep, full of butterflies you've been dreaming of romance. Reportedly, many couples who've practiced the law of attraction often remembered that.

Had a surge in romantic dreams before they met their lifelong partner. Some have even reported recognizing their soulmate after seeing them in a dream. But you don't need to dream the exact face of your soulmate for this to be a sign. Even if you don't remember the details, having a dream about your future soulmate or a vivid dream filled with romance is a sign their higher self may just be reaching out to you. 

#2 You often see the numbers 1111 or 111. So you're minding your own business, getting a quick coffee and a bite to eat when you suddenly have an urge to look to your right. What do you see? A clock with the numbers 1111? Next, you drive home and see the same numbers hidden amongst the Billboard for KFC. Only $11.11 for a bucket of chicken that's a good deal. You show it to yourself, but then you also say what? A coincidence?You brush it off as a coincidence, but then you see the numbers again. This time it's the last four French fries from your KFC meal. They read out 1111. These sequences of numbers are often recognized as Angel numbers by many. The general belief is that they foreshadow something amazing and important that will be happening in your life soon.

Many important world events have happened on the 11th day of the 11th month and data revealed that on November 11th, 2011 there was a surge in the number of marriages that took place on that day. Coincidence, I think not or well, maybe for that one, some think it's a true sign of new beginnings, while others believe angels are trying to communicate something to you.Maybe that your soulmate is near 

#3 You've been working on yourself and self love.While everyone could use more self love, it's important to ask yourself do I love myself first? It's important we love ourselves and hold a trust or contentment with where we are and where we're going. Life can be a bizarre journey with twists and turns. It has its unexpected moments but the one thing we can stay true to is ourselves. There are some who believe a sudden urge to better yourself means your partner feels the same. It's thought to believe it's how you two will walk towards each other. If you've worked on self love and self-care.You probably have had a growth in appreciation for yourself. Your self esteem may have improved as well. Using a good amount of time and energy to focus on yourself and your emotional needs is very important. Now that you've made room for self growth and personal development, you're ready for your soulmate.Confidence and positive thinking are believed to bring positive experiences and people into your life.

#4 You know what you want in life when you know what you want in life. That confidence and security will draw in a partner who holds the same confidence.If we really begin to spend time determining what will truly make us happy in life will likely develop a positive outlook on this decision.Positive thoughts are believed to bring positive experiences and people so your soul mate may be drawn to you if you present this light energy.

#5 You begin to see love everywhere.Along with the numbers 1111, you can't help but notice. Love Actually is all around. It's everywhere on the subway. You can't help but notice the couple kissing at work. Someone receives a bouquet of roses. The walk to your apartment, somebody's getting married on your doorstep. Wow, this really is a sign. It's believed that reminders of romance are actually a sign that your inner vibrations are on track with your true love. This may be the universe giving you science to prepare for when you meet your soulmate.

#6 New opportunities arise while a cozy night watching Netflix sounds like the perfect cup of tea. How are you supposed to Netflix and chill with your soulmate if you're too busy inside to meet them, the best chance to meet your soulmate is to take any opportunity that has thrown your way. While I may have implied, simply accepting your friend's request for a night out on town, I also mean any good opportunity. If you find a new and exciting opportunity coming your way, don't miss out. Say yes to as many of the good ones as you can.This is often the universe's way of giving you a chance to meet someone who can impact your life. It may be desirable to simply stay in cozy under the covers with your favorite food as you watch the next season of the crown, but your soul mate won't burst through the doors while you're netflixing unless they're the FBI or the pizza delivery man.And 

#7 You trust yourself and the universe.Ah, yes, the universe. We did mention her quite a lot. A big focus on the law of attraction is to relieve yourself of the anxiety of goals. Place your trust in yourself and the universe. While goals are an important part of achieving what you desire, you shouldn't rely on achieving them to be happy. Instead, focus on trusting that all good things will come back to you when you put good things out into the world.

If you want to see, that how your soulmate will look like than please click on below link. You will find it very interesting.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Easy way to create wood ched

In this blog I'm going to show you how I built my firewood shelter my firewood.My wood shelter and I'm going to show you the dimensions what I did to build it. I'm going to show you everything from top to bottom so that you can build your own wood shelter or firewood shelter outside here at the wood shelter or the wood shed. Whatever you want to call it. I'm going to show you guys how I built this and give you an idea how I built it. Now this is mine. This is my ideas. That's how we built it. It's how we like it. It works for us. You may want to do something different. That's up to you.But I'll give you a basis to start with, because when I before I built this, I wasn't too sure what I was going to do.

Something like this, but he built the right size that I like to have a big one kind of went by the basis of his plans and went with that, so I'm going to share with you how I built our woodshed. So maybe it'll help you build one for your place because it really comes in handy. This thing holds a lot of wood, a lot of wood and I still have room on the right side here. I'm still going to be loading more than that. I'm going to be getting a shipment of logs here shortly and I'll be cut and splitting that and then piling it into this wood shelter. So like I said when I built this wood shelter, I wanted it to be.Big so length is 25 feet. And then depth. I guess you would call it.Is?

10 feet the front posts. The front posts are 8 feet tall and the back ones are 6 feet tall. We've got three in the front, three in the back for the posts. I just use cedar trees that on our property down in behind our house. I got some there and then I stripped them, cut them to length and that's what we're using for posts now. You could use 4 by 4 posts that would work great. I didn't put them in the ground, I had them sitting on cement blocks. That's just what I chose to do. I didn't want to. I don't have to dig down. Secure my posts in the ground, make it sturdy and everything. This thing is heavy the way it's built because I used a lot of rough lumber all around. As you can see that was a cheaper way to go again and it looks cool, right?

It looks older rustic but like I said it doesn't have to be there forever. It's just sitting on cement.Blocks and that works out good for us, so I've got six cement blocks now for the roof. I used metal roof. I had a whole bunch of leftover metal roof from when I did our garage in our house and then I found some extra ones for free, so really it didn't cost me anything to put a roof on the on the wood shelter, but even if you had to buy metal for your roof, there's not a lot of metal there. It wouldn't cost a lot and you don't have to buy expensive painted metal. Even like here, I just back onto Woods anyway so you could get away with.Just a normal tin looking roof. I guess you would call it. You know, the rust after a while you can get away with that. Now for the floor I use skids. Now there's a guy over here, not too far from me who had a whole pile of them, so I just went and knocked on his door and talked to him and I bought a bunch of skids off of him so they're really the heavy duty hardwood skids and they're fairly big. So I measured out what they were and figured out what I needed. Bought the amount and it worked out. Perfect for us and I think we have 6 skids on each side.Now I don't know why, but my original plan was was to leave a gap in the middle, but I thought what's the point? We can get more wood in there as much wood as possible, so I put rough lumber from top to bottom. There whole bunch of them at the end of each row so the rows are leaning on the rough lumber. It stabilizes the ends. At the end I just cris crossed my logs my firewood so they wouldn't fall that way, but there is sides on the side of the the wood shelter. Anyway. I didn't pay attention to how many Bush cords I put in, but I got a feeling there.

There has to be at least 4 Bush chords, maybe 3 Bush chords on the left side and so the other side would hold the same. So that holds a lot of wood. Now as you can see, I put the rough lumber all around the sides. I left spaces here, so lots of air and sun gets through along the back is all the same and the other side or when I ordered the rough cut lumber I knew my measurements. So I measured exactly. They come in all different lengths when you order rough cut lumber, at least from where I did anyway.They they will cut them pretty much any length you want, so I didn't have any waste after hardly any waste at all. It was really good now. One thing is for sure, when you're building your wood shelter, you want to use leg bolts and all the major parts of your. The major framing of your wood shelter you want to use leg bolts for extra strength. Also because you know if we get a lot of snow this roof is going to hold a lot of snow on top unless I rake it off. So it's going to be able to hold the weight. It's not going to crush. Crush down on me.Now also another cool thing too is now I have a big garden right here and we're going to expand on our garden.

Make it double the size O I'm going to run a through here and I'll direct water into one of those big tanks. You know, those big square tanks with the caging? I may do 2 tanks. I don't know yet.But for sure, one and I'll be able to hide it in here behind the wood shelter and all the rainwater be funneled down into the tank, which is going to be really awesome for our gardens. And now the last thing you got to remember to do is put bracing too. So like we have braces here, I have braces there on every corner I have braces. I have one going from here to the back braces all over just to keep it sturdy and solid so you're not it doesn't have any room to wiggle and move around on you. You don't want that. So if you're thinking you need a big wood shelter for the amount of firewood.You need to store and dry because you do need a big one. There's no use building half this size. It really won't do you any good. You want good dry wood 10 by 25 is plenty for us and we burn a lot of wood. We burn wood all winter long and we're in Canada, so we have a long heating season, so I hope this helps you and get you some idea in case you don't really know where to start on how to build your wood shelter for your firewood, and you know what I what I'll do is, I'll put a diagram of our size and all the measurements and everything.

I do have one, I'm just want to make sure it's correct. I'll put it up there for you. So if you enjoyed this video, but our wood shelter and how we built it and the materials we used.

Myths about singing coaching


Today we are going to debunk all the myths that you know about singing, singing the mask. What is bouting, the smiling technique? Think High, Sing low, sing low, think high, all the weird stuff that your vocal coaches are telling you. Today I'm going to answer them straight away. Weaponized your voice and let's just dive straight into it.And ask 1 different vocal coaches and they might give you 10 different explanations. And here's my explanation. Now sing in the mask is a term that comes actually from the 80s nineties, and it's a kind of musical theater expression or term mostly used there in musical theater. It's about whether sound resonates now. 

There are some sounds or vowels that have a that resonates here in the front, basically.If you think about Twain, then twang is a very loud sound production and it resonates here up front. Sometimes people, when they sing in hat boys just to understand where is their hat boys. They feel that that resonates somewhere here or in the back or somewhere here sometimes when they use their chest voice, they feel that their resonance is somewhere around here. That's where the term actually comes from. Several hundred of years ago.Yeah, I feel that sounds rather more forward, so this is the term singing the mask. #2 is like this smiling technique. Where is that smiling technique coming from? And you know what? I'm using that term too, so I always tell to my younger students smile a little bit more. There's not so much that we can do from the outside to manipulate the inside production. You know it's a myth a little bit and it's the hope of that. We can change a little bit by using some.Muscles around the face and it doesn't work that way so much. Now we can do now when when I say to my students smile a little bit more, it's because I want them to shape the valves in a certain way. I want them to sing a little bit more bright. You know it doesn't go broken down and tired, broken down and tired. So I want to lift up that certain note or that certain vowel by them to smile a little bit more to make sure that the placement is a little bit better. To bring that sound forward.

And not get that operatic kind of like crying so broken tone and Toyota heart. So basically what I want to do is to manipulate that Amber. Sure, yeah, so that's what we refer to. Smile a little bit more and lift up that certain note by give it a smile and be a little bit more brighter. Overall, the power needs to come from the voice within and it needs to come from here and not from there. Now. One subscriber wrote down. Try to sing like an arrow. Try to shoot. Like an arrow when you sing and this is really interesting because what we want to do is we want to make sure that we are narrowing the air flow that we don't have our our air all over the place that we narrow that certain Airstream when we sing and we want to point for the to be pitch perfect because The thing is like this. This is your pitch right? And imagine this is the note that you have and you can sing slightly under the note and you can sing slightly above the note and within the note right this?

If this is your note.And within the note, you can just go a little bit more higher and be lightly sharp. You're still on the note, but you can be lightly sharp, or you can be lightly bluesy, right? So therefore we want you to really try to hit the middle of the note, like an error and imaging error. Sorry, my German English right, but we want you to imagine to just point directly in that note that is what we want now. One subscriber writes push through your tummy or push your tummy.You used the the tension of your tummy. Now there were some misconception that if we use a lot of effort with our diaphragm now in our core muscle that this will help us that this will create a better support. I mean to a certain extent I understand where this comes from. And yes I'm guilty of it pushing a lot of my tummy, pushing a lot of my diaphragm. But the truth of the matter is we want to have a moderate amount of tension going on in our body. We need energy. We need to be active. We need to use our diaphragmatic work. But it doesn't.To be over the top, if you use too much effort and you're really straining your if you really push your tummy muscles, then you're going to straight here and you're going to over push use over compression. You're going to end up staying here. It's going to be painful, believe me, I've been there, done it. Now we don't want to do that. And some some former singers like me need to use different kind of technique to balance that amount of tension, because I would get exhausted singing one song. I just could not sing a song through without not.

Being exhausted because I was overly over pushing, overly pressing the tummy in the six. Exactly what we don't want to do. We want to have a moderate amount of tension going on. Sometimes I forget that I speak to a student and my student. Mike doesn't know about the means or a chest voice register or you have to explain it up front and and use this regularly and always ask your students or what does chest voice mean so he can tell it back to you.  

If you want to learn about vocal training, than you can click on this link. It will help you.

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